Pollution / Pest Repellents

Pollution / Pest Repellents

Active filters

Air Pollution- Breathe Easy...

Fight the Effect of Pollution With Yogic Naturals

We care about your health and well-being, and understand the importance of protecting yourself from Air Pollution.

Breathe Easy Kit – for Exernal Use Only

  • Sinoplus    Helps protect the nose from pollution (runny nose, sinus)
  • Soothe       Helps protect the throat from pollution (dry cough, pinching in the throat)
  • Elixir          Helps protects the Lungs from pollution (Congestion, cough and overall lung health)
Price $103.70

BMB (25 ml) - A Natural...


  • 100% natural DEET free mosquito repellant ⁠ ⁠
  • Helps prevent mosquito bites
  • Helps prevent itching and rashes due to mosquito bites
  • Supports in the management of Dengue, Malaria, Chikangunia and Yellow fever
Price $4.25

SINOPLUS (15 gm) – Provides...


  • Helps manage symptoms of cold and flu
  • Supports in Rhinitis/sinus inflammation
  • Helps to ease a blocked nose/ear
  • Helps manage nasal issues related to air pollution 



Price $11.90